Increase your audience engagement during your event through live broadcast on your social media channels, and on your website with the SHOW SOCIAL service!
Let your event managers and secretaries focus on their responsibilities, and leave the postings and updates to me. Credentials include: Four years' experience as a seasonal marketing assistant to The Pyramid Society during the annual Egyptian Event international horse show. Producer, Manager and Hostess for Kentucky Sidesaddle clinics, and active promoter of The American Sidesaddle Association. |
Results in Real TimePosting of results, updates, messages, photos and video to social media channels Results can be published as classes are pinned, or as published by the show secretary.
Photography and VideoCandid photography produced and published. I'll also work with your official, and guest photographers and videographers to publish their work throughout the event.
ProductionNeed an organizer?
A hostess? An event secretary? K. Cornelius has produced, and managed three successful riding clinics for American Sidesaddle Association Regional Clubs. |